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Does Your Lover Skidoo?

Continuing The Quiz

___ Doesn’t make demands on me.

___ Doesn’t set one-sided conditions on our relationship.

___ Sees our relationship as a give-and-take kind of thing.

___ Is someone I can depend on.

___ Keeps his/her commitments to me.

___ Is there for me when I need support, encouragement, or someone to scratch the itch, so to speak.

___ Cares about me.

___ Wants to know about my activities, thoughts, and personal issues.

___ Gets happy and excited with me.

___ Feels badly when things aren’t working out or are going badly for me.

___ Doesn’t become competitive with me unless we agree that it’s just for fun.

___ Has faith in me.

___ Talks to me and shares things with me.

___ Wants me to be involved with his/her activities and friends.

___ Supports who I am, my interests, and my priorities.