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19 Keys To Successful Children – Audio TidBits Podcast

If you have or plan to have children or sometimes discuss parenting with folks who do have children, here are nineteen points that may prompt additional discussion incorporating the multidimensional development of children and the need to take this aspect of young people into consideration. Parenting with a toddler is not the same as parenting when the young person transitions into adulthood. Parenting is definitely a changing proposition as kids grow and develop.

1. Your child is a physical/doing person. What do you do to facilitate and encourage his/her healthy physical growth and development?

2. Your child is an emotional/feeling person. What do you do to facilitate and encourage his/her healthy emotional growth and development?

3. Your child is a moral/spiritual person. What do you do to facilitate and encourage his/her healthy moral growth and development?

4. Your child is a social/interpersonal person. What do you do to facilitate and encourage his/her healthy social growth and development, healthy interpersonal involvements and activities?

5. Your child is a sexual person. What do you do to facilitate and encourage his/her healthy sexual experience?

6. Your child is a cognitive/thinking person. What do you do to facilitate and encourage his/her healthy and ongoing cognitive growth and development?

7. Your child is part of his/her environment. What do you do to facilitate and encourage a positive environment for your child at home, at school, in your community?