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Who Drives You Up the Wall?


Toxic Behavior Is – well – TOXIC

Here are a few of the most common toxic behaviors. We have all had to deal with them in one or more of their varieties and variations. For us, the goal is to recognize them and to be very sure they do not describe us at work or anywhere else for that matter.

1. Constantly interrupting: When people repeatedly interrupt our conversations or thoughts, it can be incredibly frustrating and drive us up the wall.

2. Being chronically late: Dealing with individuals who are consistently late can be irritating and disrespectful, as it shows a lack of consideration for others’ time.

3. Excessive complaining: People who constantly complain without taking any action to improve their situation can be draining and wear down our patience.

4. Being overly critical: Constant criticism, especially when it is unwarranted or excessive, can be demoralizing and drive us crazy.

5. Ignoring personal boundaries: When individuals disregard our personal boundaries by invading our personal space, prying into our private matters, or overstepping boundaries, it can be infuriating.

6. Poor hygiene habits: Dealing with individuals who neglect basic hygiene practices can be unpleasant and make it challenging to be around them.

7. Loud and obnoxious behavior: People who are excessively loud, obnoxious, or disruptive in public spaces can be highly irritating and drive us up the wall.

8. Chronic negativity: Interacting with individuals who constantly have a negative outlook on life and bring down the mood can be emotionally exhausting and frustrating.

9. Being unreliable: Dealing with people who consistently fail to follow through on their commitments or promises can be exasperating and make it difficult to trust them.

10. Passive-aggressive behavior: Individuals who use passive-aggressive tactics, such as making snide remarks or giving backhanded compliments, can create a hostile and tense environment, driving us up the wall.

11. Jerks: People who are frequently insensitive, hopelessly self-centered and clueless are difficult to work with and hard to tolerate.

12. Shirkers: People who are lazy, sloppy and half do things are exasperating to the extreme and just make more work for the rest of us.

13. Offensive and disrespectful behavior: People who say and do things that are insulting and off-putting leave us frustrated and feeling resentful and indignant.

14. Rude or inconsiderate behavior: People who have abominable manners, little to no social graces, behave as if what they want or need is more important than what anyone else wants or needs, disregard the rights and interests of other people, and say and do things that are inappropriate make us uncomfortable and embarrassed to be associated with them.