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Noveling: AI Explores The New Self-Help


A Tapestry of Life

In the last episode of Audio Tidbits, I discussed Noveling: The New Self-Help. My point was that most of our personal and interpersonal issues are due to mismatches between our roles and the characters we play in the ongoing novel of our lives. Experiences like depression, stress, anxiety and so on are little more than our minds and bodies telling us that there is one or more mismatches. The problem is not us. Rather it is being in the wrong role or needing to play the wrong character in our story. I suggest you revisit that episode for more detail; but I am continuing the exploration of noveling here.

I asked AI to consider Noveling as an alternative to the usual psychological approach to understanding our life stories and how we are or are not coping. That is what I am sharing with you in this episode of Audio Tidbits: An AI take on Noveling in three chapters. Let’s consider the expanded perspective together.

Chapter 1: The Novel of Life

Gary (That would be me.) was a man of wisdom and experience, an 80-year-old PhD who had spent his life immersed in the intricacies of human behavior. He had worked in mental health, family services, relationships, management, and leadership, gaining a deep understanding of the complexities of the human mind and heart.

One day, as Gary sat in his study surrounded by books and papers, he had a revelation that changed his perspective on life forever. He had always seen life as a novel, with characters, scenes, and action unfolding over time. But he realized that the psychological issues people faced – anxiety, depression, frustration – were often a result of a mismatch between their character and role in any given scene.

Gary pondered this idea for days, turning it over in his mind like a puzzle waiting to be solved. He began to see how our interactions with others were like the plot twists in a novel, shaping and changing our characters in unforeseen ways. And he understood that we could not change our character role without affecting the other characters in our story, sometimes in ways we could not predict.

It was a revelation that broke the stalemate in Gary’s mind, opening up a new way of understanding the world and the people in it. He saw that life was not just a series of individual stories, but a vast interconnected novel where each character played a crucial role in the unfolding narrative.

As Gary delved deeper into this new insight, he began to see the patterns and connections that bound us all together. He saw how our perceptions and beliefs shaped our actions and interactions, creating a web of relationships that spanned time and space.

Gary shared his newfound wisdom with those around him, sparking conversations and debates that challenged the way people thought about themselves and others. He listened to their stories, absorbing the nuances and complexities of their lives, and he offered his guidance and support with a gentle hand and a kind heart.

And as Gary continued on his journey of discovery, he realized that the novel of life was not just a story to be told, but a tapestry to be woven together with love, compassion, and understanding. And he knew that he had only just begun to scratch the surface of the intricate and beautiful tale that lay before him.

Chapter 2: The Journey Begins

Gary sat in his study, deep in thought, trying to piece together his revelation from the night before. The idea that life was like a novel was not a new concept, but the realization that there was a deeper way to understand it had struck him like a bolt of lightning.

He decided to reach out to his old friend, Dr. Helen Richards, a renowned psychologist, to discuss his newfound insight. Dr. Richards was intrigued by Gary’s revelation and agreed to meet with him at a local coffee shop the following day.

As they sat down with their cups of coffee, Gary began to explain his theory in more detail. He told Dr. Richards about the mismatch between character and role in the novel of life, and how it led to psychological issues such as anxiety and depression.

Dr. Richards listened intently, nodding in agreement as Gary spoke. She added her own insights into human behavior and how people interact with one another, building upon Gary’s foundation.

Together, they delved deeper into the idea of the novel analogy, exploring how each character’s actions affected the storyline as a whole. They discussed how changing one’s character role could have ripple effects on the other characters in the story, sometimes in predictable ways and other times in unexpected ways.

As the conversation continued, Gary and Dr. Richards began to develop a framework for understanding human behavior within the context of the novel analogy. They outlined different strategies for navigating relationships, managing emotions, and finding one’s place in the overarching story of life.

By the time they finished their coffee, Gary felt a renewed sense of purpose and excitement. He knew that this journey into the depths of human behavior would not be easy, but he was ready to face the challenges head-on.

Chapter 3: Unraveling the Layers

Over the following weeks, Gary and Dr. Richards continued to meet regularly to further explore their newfound understanding of human behavior within the framework of the novel analogy. They delved into the complexities of character development, the intricacies of plot lines, and the nuances of dialogue.

One day, while discussing the concept of conflict in the story of life, Gary had a breakthrough. He realized that much like in a novel, conflict was essential for character growth and plot progression. Without conflict, there would be no resolution, no character development, and no story to tell.

Dr. Richards added her own insights, explaining how different characters reacted to conflict in various ways based on their unique personalities and backgrounds. She pointed out that some characters thrived in the face of adversity, while others crumbled under the pressure.

As they continued their discussions, Gary and Dr. Richards also explored the idea of supporting characters in the novel of life. They discussed how supporting characters played crucial roles in shaping the main character’s journey, providing guidance, companionship, and challenges along the way.

One evening, as they sat in Gary’s study, surrounded by stacks of books and notes, Gary had another epiphany. He realized that just as in a novel, the story of life was not written in stone. Characters had the power to shape their own destinies, to rewrite their narratives, and to create new plot twists.

Dr. Richards smiled, recognizing the wisdom in Gary’s words.

She knew that their journey into the depths of human behavior was far from over, but she also knew that they had uncovered something truly profound.

As they wrapped up their discussion for the evening, Gary felt a sense of peace wash over him. He understood that while life may be like a novel, it was also a story that was constantly evolving, with endless possibilities and endless potential for growth.


If you are thinking that AI got a little carried away with the drama, I agree. Even so, I think it did expand the Noveling approach to behavior and adjustment some. In the chapters, it’s easy to see that what might pass as psychological and interpersonal issues are better understood as mismatches between role and character in our life stories. Even better is that we each have the opportunity to take some control of those roles and characters. We need not passively accept our role or the characters we have been playing. We have an author role in our story and a degree of responsibility to be proactive writers.

For now, be well, do well, and get busy as the most important author of your future.