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Aliens Are Listening – Aliens Amongst Us


Hey folks, The situation with the Aliens Amongst Us just keeps getting stranger and stranger. I am starting to think that the Aliens Amongst Us are monitoring all of our communications and even casual interactions among us. I have just intercepted a transmission from the Aliens Amongst Us back to their home planet. In this transmission they have captured a simple conversation between two of my friends as they explored a situation down by the lake. Here is Justin’s reaction to the capture of his conversation with Ivy.


“I thought I had heard strange voices one day when I was walking around the lake. I went back with my friend Ivy so she could hear it too. Along with hearing the voices, we had an encounter with a person who claimed to be an actual alien. I told him he was being silly but I wonder. I don’t know how they captured our conversation.”


Here is the transmission just as I intercepted it.


Well folks, there it is. Was it actually the Aliens Amongst Us or just someone being silly? I think you know what I think but you will need to judge for yourself. Until the next time, be safe, be well and be ever vigilant for signs of the Aliens Amongst Us.