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5 More Things to Know about Blogging


Blogger Five:

Trying to write without the support of my muse is tough. I miss her a lot and hope she returns soon. My grandson pointed out Charles Osborne had hiccups for six years. I only mention this to remind us that writing this post could get far worse. I could be trying to keyboard while hiccupping. Do you have that picture? Yep, it could be much worse.

WC Fields once said, “Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people.” That may seem like a complete non-sequitur but for this. I have made a little bet on me to complete this post and you are taking a small flyer yourself by reading it. If fields was right…. Let’s not go there. Spend too much time with that thought and it’s not much of a leap to focusing on which end of the horse and our relationship to it. With that, it seems I best put that old horse in the barn and call this a post.

If you want a stable partner with no risk of remorse, get a horse.

Your faithful equine friend will never ask you to divorce, get a horse.

If your hiccups won’t stop and your muse has taken flight, get a horse.

You can bunk with your stable partner and never have to write, get a horse.

Now you know so there you go.

For now, be well, do well and do something nice for someone. He or she will appreciate it and you both will have a better day.