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Your Vision for Your Children – Audio TidBits Podcast

Think about your children and about your hopes and dreams for them and for their futures. At the same time, think about your role, about what your commitment is. Your hopes for and commitment to your children is your “vision” for them.

Here is a sample vision statement that you can use as a starting point as you develop your personal vision statement. Please work with the statement until it reflects your vision for your children and your commitment to them. You may want to add items, delete items, or change items. Your goal is to make the vision statement yours.

After each item in your vision statement, write a sentence or two about why you think it’s important.

My children:

●Must have their needs for food, clothing, shelter, health care, education, and spiritual nurturing met.

●Deserve my unconditional love and respect.

●Must develop a strong sense of self-worth and personal esteem.

●Are entitled to live in a safe, nurturing home where they can develop to their fullest potentials.

●Must learn how to be responsible, contributing members of the community.

What else should be in this section of your personal vision statement to make it right for you?

