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Expected Outcomes:

·       All children, who are referred due to being at a level of risk that is unacceptable to the community, receive services.

·       An immediate response to every community concern about a child’s being abused, neglected, or dependent

·       Children who are found to be abused or neglected are protected.

·       Appropriate and effective intervention with all referred families exhibiting abusive/neglectful patterns of behavior

·       Intervention that protects the child, whether it be by providing the family with services or by removal of the child, depending on the risk

·       Effective implementation of the services and supports that are necessary to ensure the child’s safety

·       Each child receives what he or she needs even if the system makes that difficult.

·       Permanent family environments for all LCCS children whether with natural parents, kinship families, or adoptive families that provide for their physical, emotional, developmental, and cultural needs

·       Thorough investigation of all reports of alleged abuse and neglect, including physical, emotional, and sexual aspects

·       Assessment of the child’s level of risk, using only culturally appropriate assessment techniques and procedures

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