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Permanence Within A Year For Every LCCS Child.

·       Appropriate and responsive help for the family to make a safe plan for their child’s permanence when they are not providing safety themselves

·       Delivery of all services as agreed upon in the family’s case plan

·       Intervention and follow-through per Ohio Department of Job and Family Services rules and PCSAO standards of practice for all aspects of involvement in every case

·       Strengths-based, workable case plans.

·       Provision of those services necessary to minimize the risk to referred children

·       An appropriate plan in place in every case to keep the children safe

·       Family stability, when this can be achieved without jeopardizing the physical and emotional safety of children

·       Support and strengthening of the family systems be they single parent, traditional, extended, or foster/adoptive that care for the children

·       All necessary remedial services to restore the safety and well being of the child, and whenever possible to do so within the natural family

·       The most appropriate services to children and families which meet the needs of all parties involved

·       Connection of families to appropriate services to strengthen the family system and thereby help protect children

·       Everything reasonably possible being done to bring about reunification of the family

·       Families being helped to plan appropriately for permanence for their children in order to reduce further incidents of neglect and abuse

·       Doing everything that can reasonably be done to assure that the children for whom the agency is responsible are free from abuse and neglect

·       All homes LCCS places children in are healthy and safe environments, whether those homes are relative/family, agency supervised, or purchased placements

·       Appropriate care for children when family or friends are not able to make an appropriate plan to keep them safe

·       Recruitment, training, and maintenance of foster and adoptive parents who are able and willing to meet the needs of children throughout the community

·       A system where care givers are properly trained and have the best interests of children as their #1 priority

·       Placement of children in adoptive homes without unnecessary delay, and offering the highest degree of support and information to make an easy transition

·       The best possible out-of-home placements for children who cannot remain with their birth families

·       Children placed only in families who have made a commitment to care for them through the thick and the thin

·       LCCS children who are removed from their families having only one out-of-home placement, without lateral placement moves

·       Education of the community about the laws which empower the agency to act

·       Education of the community/legislature as to the direction Child Welfare should move

·       LCCS holding the lead community role in the development of community prevention services

·       Education of the community (schools, hospitals, and other groups) on the effects of abuse and neglect on children and society

·       Education of the community in recognizing and reporting abuse and neglect

·       Education programs in the schools to talk to all levels of children on abuse issues and provide them with information on services

·       Education of the community about recognizing child abuse and neglect and their responsibility in reporting and protection

·       Education of the community about the kinds of problems children face in our county

·       Successful transition into independence for adolescents turning 18 or leaving school

·       Meeting or exceeding rules and standards of good practice

·       Staff at all levels who are approachable and who have enabling education and calm objectivity

·       Staff who are trained as well as intellectually and emotionally capable of performing assigned duties. A respectful atmosphere for adult and child clients that assumes their cooperation and growth

·       Mindfulness of the community standards and communication with them on a regular basis about the need for services and how they can be responsible for ensuring that it happens

·       Accountability to the community for all services and activities of the agency and its staff

·       Accountability to the community and tax payers to appropriately and wisely use funds to support the agency’s goals and mission

·       Use of all agency resources to problem solve for children

·       Continuous and timely progress on implementation of the approved LCCS strategic plan

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