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You’re The Big Honcho.

     Wow. This is great, spectacular, and totally terrific. I’m really happy you decided to turn the page.

     I’ve hidden some Extra Secret Stuff here. It’s not part of the book but you found it anyway. Congratulations. You’re soooo….

     You finished the book. You’re the Yes Bank boss. Now you can use this extra secret stuff. It’s only for the Big Honcho. That’s the person in charge. That’s you. You’re the Big Honcho.

     There are six steps in the Big Honcho strategy. You’ll need to know about them. They will help you keep the Yes Bank growing.

     Before we get to the Big Honcho strategy, you need to know this. The Big Honcho is the only person who can use the Big Honcho strategy. Other people will try to use it. That’s not okay. This strategy is only for the Big Honcho. Please keep it to yourself.

     1. The Big Honcho is energetic. Is it okay if I just use “TBH” for the Big Honcho? Whenever you see TBH, you’ll know it means the Big Honcho. Thanks. That’ll save some time.

     Okay, TBH is energetic. Being in charge of the Yes Bank takes a lot of energy. You’re TBH so you’ll have to have a lot of energy. Be sure to eat well and don’t eat too much junk food. A little junk food is okay but don’t overdo it. You need a balanced diet. You learned about that in school, didn’t you? Well, you’ll need to know that stuff so you have plenty of energy.

     You’ll need to get your rest too. You can’t do your best when you’re tired. You need to always do your best now that you’re TBH.

     You get the idea. Being TBH is a big job. Being TBH is BJ. Do you get it? BJ means a Big Job. TBH is BJ so you’ll need to be energetic.

     2. TBH is ambitious. Do you know what “ambitious” means? That means you really want to be successful. You really want to do a great job. You want to do a spectacular and totally terrific job.

     That’s not all. you want to keep getting better and better at whatever you do. You’re a good reader and want to get better. You’re good at playing games and want to get better. You’re a good student and want to get better. You’re a great Yes Bank boss and want to get better. You’re ambitious.

     Here’s the secret. You think about how you can get better at whatever you do. You work on getting better and better. It’s really important to you. You’re ambitious.

     3. TBH is a hard worker. This isn’t complicated. If there is a job to do, TBH does it. TBH keeps at it until the job is finished.

     Do you know people who aren’t hard workers? They work for a while and then quit. They fool around and don’t keep working. They have jobs to do but don’t do them. If a job is easy, they do it. If a job is difficult, they quit before the job is done. They aren’t hard workers.

     I’m glad you’re TBH. If there is a job to do, you do it. If a job is hard, you work harder. You don’t fool around. You do your work first. You can play and fool around after your work is finished. You’re a hard worker.

     Here’s a little riddle. TBH is HW. What do you think that means? Okay, you’re right. TBH is a Hard Worker. You’re soooo….

     4. TBH makes good choices. This is pretty tricky. Sometimes it’s not easy to make a good choice. Other times, it’s easy to make a good choice.

     When is it easy to make a good choice? It’s easy when you know what you like best. Do you want to play computer or play soccer? Do you want ice cream or broccoli?

     It’s easy to make a good choice when you know what’s right. Should you tell the truth or lie to people? Should you be rude to people or be nice? Should you pay attention or ignore your teacher?

     Sometimes it’s hard to make good choices. Here are a couple of tips about making choices. You can decide for yourself if they will help you.

     First, ask yourself this question. “Have I had to make this choice before?” If you have, what did you choose? How did it work out?

     You learn about making choices by seeing how your choices work out. If it worked out okay, it was probably a good choice. If it didn’t work out very well, you probably need to make a better choice this time. You’re learning to make good choices.

     Here’s another tip. Ask yourself this question. “If I make this choice, will I still think it was a good choice when I think about it tomorrow?”

     Sometimes you really want to do something. You’re really tempted to do it. It’s hard to say “No” right now. Here’s how to decide.

     If you’re sure you will still think it was a good choice when you think about it tomorrow, it’s probably a good choice. If not, it’s probably a bad choice. Here’s the secret. You need to stop and think about it.

     TBH stops and thinks it over before making choices. That’s how TBH makes good choices. If you stop and think it over, you’ll make good choices because you’re….

     5. TBH is accepting. Is “accepting” a new word for you? If so, here’s what it means.

     People aren’t all the same. Some are short and others are tall. Some are fat and others are skinny. Some can run and play okay and others can’t. School is easy for some and hard for others. Some can see and hear just fine and others have trouble seeing or hearing. Can you think of some other ways people are different?

     Do you know people who aren’t nice to people who are different? “Snooty” is a good word for people like that. They act like they are better than other people. Snooty people aren’t nice to people who are different. They don’t treat them very well.

     “Accepting” means that you aren’t snooty. You’re nice to other people. It’s okay for people to be different. You don’t ignore people or treat them badly because they are different. You’re accepting.

     6. TBH is considerate. TBH thinks about what other people want and how they feel. TBH also cares about what other people want and how they feel. TBH is considerate.

     Do you know people who don’t care what other people want or how they feel? All they care about is what they want and how they feel. “Selfish” is a good word to describe those people. They aren’t considerate.

     Here are a couple of tips about being considerate. You may want to use them. Think about them and decide if they will work for you.

     The first tip is this. Before you do something, stop and think about it. If you do it, will people feel better or feel worse? Will it make things easier or harder for them?

     Try not to make people feel bad or hurt their feelings. Try not to make things harder for people. If you stop and think about what you’re going to do, it’ll help you be considerate.

     Here’s the second tip. What can you do to make things easier for people? What can you do that people will feel good about? If you do those things, you’re being considerate.

     Do you notice a little pattern? Before you do things, you stop and think about it. You decide what you are going to do. After that, you do what you think is the right thing to do. The secret is stopping to think about what you’re going to do before you do it. That’s how TBH does it.

     That’s it. You’re finished with the Big Honcho strategy. If you’ve got an extra minute, here’s the Big Honcho quiz. Just read the questions and think about your answers.

!    Are you energetic?

!    Are you ambitious?

!    Are you a hard worker?

!    Do you make good choices?

!    Are you accepting?

!    Are you considerate?

     There’s one more secret I want to share with you. You use your Be Charming strategy, your Team Player strategy, your Great Listener strategy, and your Big Honcho strategy every chance you get. You’re a great Yes Bank boss.

     Sometimes you forget to use your Yes Bank strategies. Sometimes they don’t work as well as you want them to work. Sometimes things are just not going as well as you want them to go.

     Here’s the secret. That’s okay. Things don’t always work out like you want them to work out.

     The most important thing is this. You keep working on it. You’re getting better and better at being the Yes Bank boss.

     You try hard to be the best Yes Bank boss you can be. You’re doing your best. I’m glad you’re the Yes Bank boss. It’s great, spectacular, and totally terrific.

     Go ahead. Say it one more time. “I’m soooo….”

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