It is instructive to see an experienced “I-player” one-up a promising but less experienced player. Ray is a beginner and does not stand a chance when up against a master like Bud.
It is interesting to review the techniques Ray uses, even if he is somewhat awkward and amateurish. It also is instructive to see how Bud “puts the screws,” so to speak, to Ray’s campaign.
Not counting the times Ray uses “I”, his promising qualifications as an I-player quickly surface. Those who are not students of the I-method may think that it is bad form to be so self-aggrandizing or chest puffing in a meeting with friends. To the contrary, there is no better place or better way for the I-player to be sure everyone knows just how good he is. As I-players say, “If you don’t blow your own horn, no one else is going to blow it for you.”
Ray does not make the wrong move so much as he is just outclassed. Consider how Bud uses the same techniques as ray uses, turning them to his advantage. “It is a little monkey-see, monkey-do, but I think I would do a good job too. . . . All things considered, I still think I will vote for me.” The master packs multiple techniques into a small package and delivers it squarely on target.
Bud hits the bull’s-eye with his little bomb. The trick is in, “I think I would do a good job too.” He offers no reasons or explanations. It is a fact based solely on the word of Bud. His use of “I” is enough justification. Granted, Bud does reduce the importance of the thing to monkey business before making the assertion, but it still stands on the strength of his saying it. This is I-Play at its most effective.
Ray uses a similar technique. He considers no motivations or interests but his. He rings eloquent as he says, “I pledge to you a new vision . . . a new energy, a plan that moves us eagerly into the future.” He takes complete control, offering only his vision, his motivation, his plan. Ray is on a roll! He establishes himself at the center of everything, and only what he thinks, feels, wants, and needs are important.
From his position at the center, Ray looks out on, or perhaps down on, everyone and everything. What is even more remarkable, he tells the members that he will continue to do so.
“Your president will stand above the commonplace and ahead of those who would hold us back.”
He comes very close to saying that he is above the common man but does not quite go over the edge. Ray knows I-Play can be taken too far. It is all right to look out and maybe even down so long as he does not give the impression of looking down his nose.
Ray goes for the big close. “I also pledge to you I will not stretch for your support by giving a false impression…. I will use my position of leadership as a vantage point from which to bring to each of you the best.”
Ray is an up-and-coming example of The Frustration Factor in action. It is a promise of things to come. Should the club members ever elect him president, they will get exactly what he promises.
Just to be sure Ray knows who the master is, Bud puts the icing on the cake. “Oh, by the way, I guess I will still wash dishes whatever you decide.” This is just Bud’s little way of letting Ray know that he overplayed his hand.