It’s your success train.
It’s great you’re back. Let’s take the success train on down the track. Before we go, there’s a little secret you need to know. The secret starts with an explanation. It’s your success train waiting at the station. The rest of the secret will cause you to smile. You’ll find it in a little while. CHOO-CHOO! And Toot-toot! Here we go.
Your success starts with “Focus.” You care about your success. You climb aboard your success train and get down to business.
Your success depends on “Timing.” Other people may fool around. Here’s a secret that you found. Sometimes you have to do things that aren’t much fun. It sure is nice to get them done. That’s a fact and here is how. You just go ahead and do it now.
Your success depends on “Attitude.” You have the success attitude. You do what you need to do. You know that this is true. Your success is up to you. You always say “Yes,” to success.
Your success depends on “Persistence.” Some people quit. Other people never start. You don’t give up because you’re soooo smart.
I have five more totally terrific success tips for you. Keep looking for the rest of the secret. It’ll make you smile in a little while.
! Your success depends on Practice, Practice, Practice.
Can you balance a ball on the end of your chin? Give it a try and try it again. Keep trying until it’s easy for you. You’ll be really good at it by the time that you’re through.
What do you think? Is “Practice, Practice, Practice” a totally terrific success tip? There are many things you need to do. Learning to do them isn’t always easy for you. Whether it’s multiplication or flying a kite, practice and practice until you can do it right.
“Practice makes perfect.” That’s terrific advice. To get really good at things, practice may be the price.
Reaching your goals can be very difficult. There is so much to learn and so much to do. Here is the good news. Practice also makes things easier. It helps you do things better and faster. Get into the habit of practicing those things that are hard to do. Practice those things that you can’t do quickly yet. You’ll get better at it and do it faster if you keep practicing. Practice is a great way to say “Yes,” to success.
Your success train is moving along really well. It’s time for the next totally terrific success tip. It includes a fourteen letter word. Go ahead and say it. “That’s not a problem for me because I’m soooo smart.” Yes you are and here we go.
! Your success depends on Responsibility, Responsibility, Responsibility.
Responsibility is a pretty long word. It’s not the longest word you ever heard. Are you old enough to understand this stuff? I think so. Here we go.
Responsibility means that you do the right things right the first time, on time, every time. That sounds really complicated. You can figure it out quick. Use this little trick.
Take one step at a time. The first step is “Do the right things.” Think about what you need to do. Those are the right things. Don’t fool around doing other stuff. Spend your time doing the right things. That’s what you need to do.
Here’s the next step. Try to do things right the first time. Take your time. Don’t rush. Pay attention. Do things right the first time. It may take a little longer but here’s the best part. When you do things right the first time, you’re finished. You can go play or take a rest because you took the time to do your best.
The next step is easy to understand. You can use a totally terrific success tip you already know. When do you do what you need to do? You do it “on time.” Sure, you’re right. Your success depends on Timing, Timing, Timing.
You’re ready for the last step. You do the right things. You do them right the first time. When do you do them? You do them on time.
Here’s the last step. When do you do the right things? Do you do them only when you feel like it? You’re right. That would be silly. You do the right things right every time.
Whether you’re brushing your teeth or studying for a test, every time you do your best. You do the right things right the first time, on time, every time because you’re….
! Your success depends on Imagination, Imagination, Imagination.
I’m really glad that you’re the success train boss. It’s a big job that takes a special person like you. Some people can’t handle it. They don’t pay attention and focus on what they are doing. They don’t use their imaginations.
You think about what you need to do. You imagine how nice it will be when you’re through. You use your imagination to make a picture of your goal. In your imagination, you can see where your success train is headed. You can imagine success. You imagine your goal and then say “Yes,” to success.
Do you know about the imagination tree? You can close your eyes and watch it grow in your imagination.
Think about a project you are working on. What do you need to have before you can start? Do you need supplies or special tools? Those are like the roots of the imagination tree. They are what you need to help your project grow. Be sure you have everything you need for your project. It will help to make a list.
What are the steps you’ll need to take to complete your project? Those steps are like the trunk and branches of the imagination tree. They get you from the bottom to the very top of the imagination tree. Make a list that includes every step you’ll need to take to finish your project.
Finally, think about what the imagination tree will look like when it has finished growing. What will you see when your project is over? How will you feel when you’re finished? What will other people say? What will they do?
Write a story about how it will be when you reach your goal. What do you think? Will that be a great story? It’ll be totally terrific, won’t it?
Are you ready for the next totally terrific success tip? It isn’t as long as responsibility but is a pretty long word. It’s determination. Let’s slip the tip in right here. After that, I’ll give you an explanation of determination.
Wow, that one gets a really big CHOO-CHOO! That’s a spectacular rhyme: explanation and determination. What do you think? Do you agree with me? If so, let’s hear it from you. CHOO-CHOO! CHOO-CHOO!
! Your success depends on Determination, Determination, Determination.
Before the explanation of determination, try to spy the secret. You have most of what you need. There’s only a little more to read. The secret is here waiting for you. You’ll find it before this chapter is through. There’s only one more clue for you.
Determination is a pretty interesting word. It means that you’re serious about your success. You’ll do whatever it takes to succeed. It’s your success train and you’ll reach your goal.
You won’t quit. You won’t fail. You have to succeed. You’re unstoppable. You’ll do it however long it takes. You have determination.
Here’s the last totally terrific success tip for this chapter. You’ll find the final clue slipped in here for you.
Your success depends on Effort, Effort, Effort.
How difficult is it to succeed? Sometimes it’s easy. Sometimes it’s hard. Once in a while, it’s very, very hard.
Sometimes success takes only a little effort. Sometimes it takes a gigantic effort. How much effort do you give your success? You give it all the effort it takes to succeed. You always say “Yes,” to success.
You learned five new totally terrific success tips in this chapter. You have all of the clues you need to find the secret. Your success depends on:
! Practice
! Responsibility
! Imagination
! Determination
! Effort
Do you see the secret? It’s been hiding from you. Look at the first letter of each of the words. Take the “P” from Practice, The “R” from Responsibility, the “I” from Imagination, the “D” from Determination, and the “E” from Effort. What does it spell? Sure, it spells PRIDE.
! You need PRIDE inside to say “Yes,” to success.
Do you have PRIDE inside? Sure you do. That’s why you’re the success train boss.
How much PRIDE do you have inside? You have all you need to succeed. That’s why it’s your success train that you’re climbing aboard. You always say “Yes,” to your success. When it comes to you, nothing but success will do.
Before we end this chapter, let’s put your success tips in a row. We’ll line them up like a train. You can pull them along with you as you head on down the success track.
It takes each one to get the job done. They are right there waiting for you. You’ve already seen what they mean. The secret is there too, waiting for you. Your success train has PRIDE inside.
! Focus _ Timing _ Attitude _ Persistence _ Practice _ Responsibility _ Imagination _ Determination _ Effort
That’s a lot of tips to remember. You know that the last five tips show that you have PRIDE inside.
Look at the first four tips: Focus _ Timing _ Attitude _ Persistence. The first one is Focus. The next three start with TAP for Timing, Attitude, and Persistence. Here’s a way to remember all nine tips.
! For success, Focus and then TAP the PRIDE inside.
What do you think? Is that a great way to remember all nine tips? TAP = Timing, Attitude, and Persistence. PRIDE = Practice, Responsibility, Imagination, Determination, and Effort. You know how to TAP the PRIDE inside, don’t you? Sure you do because you’re….
You did it. You finished another chapter. You’re half way through this book. Go ahead and take a break. When you get back, your success train will be waiting at the station. Climb aboard and away we’ll go.
Please send comments or questions to Gary A. Crow, Ph.D. || and visit