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Simon says, “Have faith in those who make the journey with you.”

This starts with living the values and beliefs that are the trademarks of leaders who have carefully developed PPS. Specifically, it starts with not reflexively blaming or accusing someone whenever there is a problem. That initial level of faith is followed by believing people are normally honest and trustworthy. If you start by assuming a problem’s coming up does not necessarily mean someone screwed up, you have opened your mind to the alternative possibilities. Assuming then team members are honest and trustworthy allows you to comfortably collaborate with them. Together, in the spirit of trust and good faith, you can best understand the problem and how to reduce the likelihood of its recurring.

Simon knows problems are usually not caused by anyone’s inadequacy or failure. They are caused by the unexpected, by the improbable, or by things that could not be predicted or controlled. To start with the people instead of the problem runs a high chance of never solving the problem. It also runs an even higher risk of breaking trust with people, with the team. If the problem turns out to be with one or more of the people, Simon has strategies for handling that; but Simon has faith in you and invariably initiates problem solving from a good faith perspective.

What do you think so far? Is Simon a leader worthy of being followed by you? He is certainly demanding of those who would follow and has very high expectations for anyone who would join his team. If Simon’s mission is one with which you identify, do you think teaming with Simon is your path to success? Simon is intense and not particularly open to those who would try to change or modify his mission. If you want to go where Simon is going, then welcome aboard. If not, Simon has no interest in your stepping onto his train.

Simon has a clear vision and equally clear rules for how those on the train are treated, how they engage the challenge, how they work together toward their common purpose. How does this resonate with you and with your values and beliefs? Are you aboard or not?

Next, consider Simon’s leadership style. It is certainly distinct and well-defined. Your opportunity is to decide whether it is a model worthy of your emulation. Is Simon’s leadership strategy one you want to adapt for yourself, your individual use, your personal situation? If so, Simon says, “It’s yours. Use it in good faith and in good causes.”

If not, Simon says, “I certainly respect your choice. My strategy isn’t for everyone. It’s only what works for me. My hope is you develop one that works as well for you.”

If you find you do resonate with Simon’s leadership style, your friend Simon has more for you. You have learned about Simon’s underlying philosophy and special approach with his customers: those on his team and those served by his team. You are invited to read on and to take to heart what you will along the way.

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