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(F) Miscellaneous Sub-functions

There are numerous additional operating requirements either subsumed into one of the existing secondary functions or that become a new secondary function. Below we discuss some of the issues involved with whether we increase the diversity of the local eco system by adding secondary functions or expand the scope of elements within it by adding additional responsibilities to existing secondary functions. Let it suffice simply to mention a few of those additional requirements.

·       Develop, implement, and modify the SSI Continuous Quality Improvement Plan to ensure methods are in place to meet accreditation and funding requirements and to continuously improve the quality of agency processes and services. As De Pree (2004) advises us, “…it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.” (p. 100)

·       Promote Continuous Quality Improvement through participation in and development of various agency activities and procedures aimed at ensuring the delivery of quality services to SSI clients. “Full or strategic quality management can be defined as ‘an intensive long term effort to transform all parts of the organization in order to produce the best product and service possible to meet customer needs.'” (Hannagan, 1995, p. 190)

·       Analyze SSI operations and, in turn, establish and maintain Management Information Systems appropriate and sufficient to support operations.

·       Develop and implement procedures to ensure SSI clients, other stakeholders, and SSI staff members are provided the opportunity to present complaints and grievances and that those issues are addressed in a timely manner.

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