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What is the conclusion?

In this chapter, we followed a very complex path from someone having difficulty coping with his (or her) life issues to his becoming an agency client who is receiving services enabling him to cope better. Concurrently, we saw a process starting with one person seeing someone struggling to cope and wanting to help and then moving along the Helping Triangle to the point where the person about whom they are concerned is receiving helpful services. We saw a social action process move from initiation through authorization to implementation. We saw the distress of a few people prompt the development of a complex, dynamic, more or less unstable structure intended to reduce the distress. We saw people helping people with the hope the help offered truly helps. As we proceed through the rest of this book, my hope is we can add depth and understanding to the processes introduced here and this leads us to useful insights into human services agency excellence and to improved strategies for better assuring the help we offer does indeed help the people for whom we are responsible.

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